Protecting Ontario’s natural biodiversity can start with you at home. That's why it's important to plant native.
We’re excited to share that source-identified Ontario native plants are back on the road this week and rolling out to over 100 Loblaw garden centres.
You can read more here from WWF + Loblaw on our partner growers, garden centre locations, and plants species this year.
St. Williams delivered a variety of sun, shade, and wet area plants including wildflowers, grasses, & sedges. Species include:
- Lance-Leaved Coreopsis - Coreopsis lanceolata
- Big Bluestem - Andropogon gerardii
- Prairie Smoke - Geum triflorum
- New England Aster - Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
- Swamp Milkweed - Asclepias incarnata
- Common Boneset - Eupatorium perfoliatum
- Pearly Everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea
- Cardinal Flower - Lobelia cardinalis
- Virginia Mountain Mint - Pycnanthemum virginianum
- Butterflyweed - Asclepias tuberosa
- Switch Grass - Panicum virgatum
- Great Blue Lobelia - Lobelia siphilitica
- Obedient Plant - Physostegia virginiana
- Wild Columbine - Aquilegia canadensis
- Indian Grass - Sorghastrum nutans
- Wild Strawberry - Fragaria virginiana
- Little Bluestem - Schizachyrium scoparium
- Michigan Lily - Lilium michiganense
- Canada Anemone - Anemone canadensis
- Monkey Flower - Mimulus ringens
- Blue Vervain - Verbena hastata
- Plantain-Leaved Sedge - Carex plantaginea
- Culver's Root - Veronicastrum virginicum
- Wild Geranium - Geranium maculatum
- Virginia Bluebells - Mertensia virginica
If you have any feedback for the team, please let us know.