Formats & sizes
We can supply plants in a variety of different formats and sizes based project needs. Formats we've grown in include:
1- to 2-year plug seedlings (1P or 2P) |
1-year tranplanted plug or bareroot seedlings (1P + Transplant) |
Herbaceous plants in 4-inch or 9-cm square pots |
Tree or shrubs in 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30 gallon round pots |
Seed mixes in bulk bags |
By special order only: |
Live stakes and cuttings |
Please note - Plant sizes (height & breadth) will vary by species and format. Please let us know well in advance if your project has size requirements for our team to review so we can discuss options best suited to your needs.